Team Status Report for 2/17


This week we made a few changes to our design after feedback, further research, and meeting faculty members for advice. In our proposal, we wanted to use bluetooth for the ring to communicate with the pendant, which received pushback from students and faculty. We initially thought it would be the most reliable way for a button press to communicate with the pendant. However, we started to have our doubts from this feedback, and eventually met with James Bain, who gave us possible alternatives. He suggested that we use UHF RFID to communicate from the ring to the pendant. If we use passive RFID, this will completely eliminate the need for a battery in the ring. Looking for a Bluetooth module and battery small enough was a problem when trying to keep the ring compact.

Outside of RIFD, we also changed a few parts of the pendant, such as adding an Antenna, specifying a uni-directional microphone (to reduce noise), and SIM.

During our presentation, one of the students suggested another trigger for us, which if the ring and pendant separate a certain amount of distance. We thought that was a great idea and have added that into our design.

Some of the things that we are worried about for the success of our project are voice detection in a crowded place and the pendant’s battery lasting past 6 hours. For voice detection, we are trying a uni-directional microphone to reduce noise. We will also try to reduce issues with crowded places on the software side as well. For battery life, the main obstacle is the voice trigger. The contingency plan will be for the user to turn on voice detection when they think it is necessary, rather than being active all the time.

Our updates schedule is in our design review slides.

A was written by Anika, B was written by Olivia, C was written by Bradley

Part A: In regards to considerations of public health, safety, or welfare, our project attempts to tackle these three considerations as follows:

Health/Safety – The jewelry system operates as safety device meant to help a person contact help when in dangerous situations or are facing physical harm. With multiple options on how to alert authorities and emergency contacts the device provides the user with a strong sense of security. In addition, because our jewelry is designed with the intention of being discreet the user does not have to worry about drawing excessive unwanted attention while wearing the devices, which improves their psychological well-being.

Welfare:  It is a basic need for people to be able to go about their day without having to worry about/encounter dangerous situations, and this device aims to mitigate this risks by seeking help efficiently and quietly.

Part B: In regards to social factors and how they play a part in our project: Culture: With discretion and protection of individuals in mind this must ensure that its follows cultural norms when it comes to jewelry and wearable technology, ensuring that if certain cultures have requirements that we are meeting them so that anybody can use/wear them, this also includes our audio recognition, it must have multilingual support and cater to not just English speaking people. For Social factors this includes accessibility and usability, with this in mind, our button must be easily pressed for example or the mobile app must be easily used for people with low-technology proficiency. In regards to political factors, we must ensure we are following all different area’s regulations and privacy restrictions as different counties, states, and countries have massively differing rule sets. For economic factors, we intend to make the jewelry cost-friendly for a younger demographic that has limited spending power.

Part C: with consideration of economic factors. Economic factors are those relating to the system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

Our product may share traits with other products on the market, does not share the same principles in terms of cost and user experience. When looking online for similar products, they typically will go higher than $149 dollars for retailing. Furthermore, products like inviswear require a costly subscription on top of that. We plan to make a product that is much more affordable and free of a subscription requirement, while still looking fashionable and discrete.

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