This week I worked on getting on preparing for the design review presentation, as I will be the one presenting. This included taking the feedback from our proposal while also making our testing plans, implementation, and use cases, more specific and quantitative. We met with James Bain in regards for how we should connect the pendant with the ring, since we heard from Tamal he taught the antenna class at one point. He super helpful and gave us suggestions, such as active or passive RFID or using hearing aid batteries. After discussing, we arrived at using RFID to communicate.
Our initial gantt chart was a bit ambitious, so we adjusted it (finishing the app layout or getting the hardware to connect the ring and the pendant wouldn’t have happened this week). However, I don’t think we are behind schedule since I feel like we are prepared for the design review. But we are looking into finalizing what parts we will order by the end of next week. I specifically will be looking into microphones to order, buttons, batteries, etc. Our research for the design review will help inform me what to order, as well as feedback from the design review.