This week, I added more basic functionalities to the GUI to improve usability such as buttons for going to previous pages or to the main menu, closing the adjustment or calibration process, and bug fixes for new pages. I also integrated the focus detection and stretch reminder features into the GUI so that these trackers can be activated and periodically remind users to stretch or take a break. I used multithreading for these features so that the process can be started and run outside of the main tkinter thread to periodically check the user and do computations on their landmark positions. I was able to implement notification features using tkinter’s messagebox library that will pop up on the user’s screen after a set time has passed where they have been looking at their screen or sitting for too long .
I was also able to do more tests of the adjustment algorithm using the new motor for height adjustment, and found that the intervals and delays used will need to be tweaked since the new motor’s max speed is much lower than the previous motor’s.
I am a bit behind on schedule since I am still testing the algorithm will the fully integrated system, and plan to continue working on fine tuning the process and well as refining the GUI for usability next week.