This week I continued working on the GUI and added additional pages and features. I added a new page that allows a user to choose whether to calibrate their stand for the first time or to adjust the stand based on prior calibration data. This way, users can skip the calibration after they’ve gone through the process once. I was able to integrate the height and angle adjustment program with the Arduino via serial connection, and we are able to automate the motor and linear actuator movement.
I have done some testing with the height and angle adjustment to make sure that the algorithm we use is able to determine the correct height and angle for a user when starting from different heights and angles. I will continue testing this when we integrate the software with the stand in order to tune and make some adjustments to the time between feedback checks and speed at which we turn the motors in order to reach the ideal height and angle within our desired time limit.
I am currently on schedule. Next week I plan to add more pages to the GUI to display posture tracking data as well as implement eye tracking to the software in order to send users notifications when they have been focusing on their screen for long periods of time.