This week I printed the motor mount pieces needed to attach the stepper motor to the platform jack. One of the motor attachment pieces is shown below.
The 3D printing was difficult because due to the size of the prints, the print failed twice. Currently, the last set of pieces are being printed and should be ready for test tomorrow morning.
I also researched how to drive the motors using the appropriate library, power supply voltage, and ports on the motor driver. We ran into a problem where we needed to use an older motor driver library that was incompatible with our Uno R4 so we had to degrade to an Uno R3 which worked well. We achieved motor spin.
We are behind progress because this week I was supposed to work on the posture detection neural net. Instead, I will work on that next week. I delayed this progress because this is not essential for MVP. Next week my main deliverable will be training the neural net.