Olivia’s Status Report for 2/10

I have been doing more research into OpenCV and how it can be used for locating eyes on a person’s face. I was looking into some open source projects that have been done using eye tracking to detect if eyes are open, and I think these resources will be useful later in the project when we are trying to incorporate focus detection into the stand’s features.

At the moment, I am more concerned with the eye recognition as coordinates on the screen and in what ways I can use this information to determine the ideal height to raise the stand. From just empirical research and looking at ergonomic screen heights, I think that ensuring that the approximate y-coordinates of the user’s eyes are at the top third of the screen’s height should be the optimal height to reach. However, this will also depend on the distance between the user and their laptop, so I think we will need to incorporate a distance sensor in order to guide the user to place their laptop at an ergonomic distance away of about 30 inches.

But I would like to have more certainty in whether these are good metrics to use in order to determine the screen’s ideal height, so I will continue to research this as well as OpenCV eye detection. I am currently on schedule and would like to have these height determination methods solidified by next week.

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