This week, I worked on the proposal presentation and planning our design. We held a team meeting, where we finalized the stand’s design, and which parts we plan to use. I placed the orders for the motor that will be used to raise the stand, and it will be available to be picked up on Monday. In addition, I began to research how to use the Arduino Rev4’s built-in ESP32 module for Bluetooth communication with the computer. I also refreshed my memory on using a L293D for motor control.
As of right now, we are technically ahead of schedule. However, this is because we decided to 3-D print a smaller prototype design (to test if our design is feasible). Thus, I plan on moving ahead to the next item on the schedule, which is working on the code for motor control, then testing our stand design, and lastly, breadboarding components (since by next week we should have already received the motors and Arduino), to make sure we will stay on track for printing a PCB.
By next week, I hope to have most of the code written for the motor control and to have begun testing the feasibility of our current stand design.