Hayden’s Status Report 3/30/24

This week I accomplished a lot; I was able to interpret the serial USB data on my laptop and convert it into inputs for python code. This is going to make the project a lot easier from here on out now that we have access to the useful data we want to transmit. Unfortunately, the Raspberry Pi we requested is too slow because it only has 1 GB of RAM so we had to demonstrate the communication laptop to laptop. On Friday, Varun and I were able to get the motors moving and we worked on the electronics for the drive train; we also 3D printed a few more parts that are necessary for our rover. I am confident that we will be able to display full driving capabilities for the interim demo on Monday which was our goal. Overall, I am in a significantly better place than I was at this time last week; I do not think I need to make any further changes to my required tasks and timeline.

In the next week I will be completing the full communication of the driving with the proper Raspberry Pis and have a prototype on the user side for entirely controlling the system. After I complete this I will be able look into monitors and hopefully assess the Raspberry Pi to make sure it has enough processing power to relay video information while keeping the latency low.

Below is a video of two laptops communicating using the test PCB.

Here are some screenshots of the current state of the basic code.
Changes to the Arduino Code

Transmitter Side/User Side Code

Receiver/Server Side Code

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