For the past couple of weeks, the primary focus I had towards our project was twofold: the design report and the camera. A significant part of the week leading up to spring break, around 10-12 hours worth, was spent on the design report. For my sections of the introduction, tradeoffs, testing & verification, and project management, it required a lot of time spent doing research on current statistics about individuals facing mobility challenges as well as existing solutions. Additionally, research was conducted on tradeoffs between Wi-Fi and Bluetooth as well.
For the camera aspect of the project, I read and investigated the source code of the Luxonis camera repository, specifically the depthai-viewer tool. I wanted to see why the rgb capability was possible when using their tool but not when I manually write a pipeline that utilizes it. In addition, I am also investigating an example that utilizes a pointcloud and see what useful data arises there, but the bottleneck still lies with the color camera issue. Because the depthai-viewer registers the cameras as a default stereo pair, it is possible there is a configuration that I am missing.
Now that the design report is complete, which took a majority of my time for the week, I can fully focus my energy on both setting up the Raspberry Pi as well as getting to the bottom of the camera issue. I started booting the Raspberry Pi and setting up SSH, but I accidentally broke the SD card, so progress was temporarily halted on this front. Thus, my progress is slightly behind but I hope to be able to catch up with this narrowing of focus and fixation on my tasks.
In the next week, I hope to successfully setup the Raspberry Pi in a headless fashion, set up SSH on the Pi, and be able to run my tutorial that utilizes the ColorCamera feature on the Oak D SR.