Varun’s Status Update for 2/24/24

This week went by fast!

It was mostly dedicated towards the structures of the class. We presented our Design Presentation on Wednesday, so part of the first half of the week was focused on ensuring that we gave Nathan everything he need to ace the presentation, which he did! Additionally, as a team, we have started to work on the design report due soon! I spent a good chunk of time working with part orders. Though we scoped out some parts for the design presentation, I ended up spending some time trying to ensure that the parts would fit together. A mistake that I had to rectify was the dimensions of the bellows. Upon some time spent researching about how to interface silicone with tubing, I found that I may have incorrectly scouted out components, specifically those relating to the dimensions of the pipes and the bellows. Either way, I found the correct components, and finally placed our order for a lot of the electronics.

In addition, fabrication is in full swing! I’m 3D printing parts right now, just waiting for electronics to show up (hopefully soon). With electronics in tow, my goal is to have the suction cup system done by next week, and the arm finished. We’re definitely erring on the behind side of things due to shipping; I’m hoping we get the parts soon, then things should move much quicker. In the meanwhile, I’m essentially prepping for the arrival of the parts by 3D printing holder parts.

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