Lynn’s Status Report for 02/17


After the weekly meeting with the instructor and TA, our team started to work on finalizing the design details. Our team discussed a lot about further design choices and tried to answer the “why” question about those choices. My primary focus was on the completed version of the front-end UI and the finite state machine diagram of the user interaction flow chart. After that, Yuxuan and I worked together to specify the MVC design of the web application from both an ordinary user’s and a visually impaired user’s perspective. 

To prepare for the design review presentation next week, I read through the documentation of spaCy and word2vec to gain a further understanding of the NLP process. 

A copy of the finalized UI and FSM is attached.



I am on schedule.

Next Step

As the presenter of the design review, I would first finish the presentation during Monday’s or Wednesday’s class. After that, I will start working on the primary microphone setup since the hardware components ordered last week have arrived.

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