Team Status Report for 04/06/2024

Risk Mitigation

The main task this week is the intriem demo. We have received many valuable advices from professor and TA. We have working word2vec on the computer, but when we installed it to Raspberry Pi, there would be some compatibility problem. Therefore, we would switch to GloVe. We have run simple scripts on the Raspberry Pi with GloVe and it works well. It could give us similar messages as word2vec. We now have all the parts needed to add entries (webapp, speech recognition, parsing, and classification model). All we need to do next is combine them together.

Design Changes

Change word2vec to GloVe due to Raspberry PI compatibility.

Updated Schedule

Our schedule does not change since last week.

Specific tasks we need to finish by next week:

  • Finish spacy
  • Further refine GloVe classfication
  • Integrate spacy with webapp

Week’s Special

  • User Experience Test

We would invite 5 volunteers to use our product without our interference. They would explore the app by themselves like what they would do when downloading a new app on their phone. We would give them half of the day to play with the app and would invite them to offer feedback after that. We would want them to list what they like about our product and what they dislike about our product.

  • Latency Test

We will test different commands and record the time it requires for our whole system to process. For example, we would measure the time it takes for our system to display the added entries after the user request it.

Yixin’s Status Report for 04/06/2024

  • What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).

I am working on the interaction between user and our app. I have prepared scripts that our app would read out when needed.

I have sent my code of spacy, which would identify DATE and PRICE to my team and they would connect that part with our web application. Additionally, I am working on the ITEM label this week. Since many things (apple, bed, laptop, etc.) would be assigned an ITEM label, it is not easy for spacy to learn which word would be recognized as ITEM. Therefore, our current trained spacy model does not perform ideally. I would add more training data to see what happen next week.

  • Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?

on schedule

  • What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
  1. work with spacy
  2. prepare for performance test.
  • This Week’s Special (Verification)
  •  Test parsing accuracy for ACTIONS (done)

I test this part with about 50 different text commands including different action verbs that maybe included in our system. The accuracy for this part is about 98% where “view” is considered as a noun instead of a verb. This will be fixed when I trained the model again later. The action verbs are pretty important because they will decided which webpage our app would show.

  • Test parsing accuracy for DATE (done)

Since we will always require a time range (from xx month xx year to xx month xx year) in this part. I generated random pairs of month (12 different months) and year (from 2020 to 2040). And our app could ensure 100% accuracy. The DATE information is very important when the user want to view entries or generate report.

  • Test parsing accuracy for PRICE (done)

I used the speech recognition to help generate text commands and find out that it would give price in two formats ($xx, or xx dollars). I tests both cases with randomly generated money value, and the spacy model could recognize it correctly with 100% accuracy. Price is very important when adding entries.

  • Test parsing accuracy for ITEM

Like before, I would use about 50 commands to test if our trained model could accurately parse the item out of the sentence.