This week I focused on composing the design review document. Specifically, I worked on introduction, word2vec of system implementation, word2vec and database in trade studies, testing, project management, and summary sections. Since I was responsible for the word2vec part, I tested out a pretrained word2vec model provided by gensim on my laptop. It took me a long time to set up the library and the model because gensim does not support latest versions of python. I was able to get the vector representation of a word and the similarity between two words. After familiarizing myself with the library and customizing the model for our use, the process of installing and using required modules should be smooth on Raspberry Pi as the next step.
I am behind schedule because the design report took me longer than expected. I will focus on web app development next week as I have slack time after next week based on the original schedule.
Next steps
For next week I will implement the basic functions of the app (not including the audio input function) and continue integrating components in Raspberry Pi with my teammates.