This week I discussed detailed control flow of our app with Tianyi and came up with the model-view-control (MVC) framework for our Django app.
- Time: DateField
- Amount: FloatField (two decimal places)
- Description: CharField
- Name: CharField
- Color: CharField
- Expense: ManyToManyField
Main pages (html files):
- html (with tabs at bottom and audio input button to be extended by other pages)
- Home (contains a form to enter a new spending entry)
- Spendings (list of entries)
- Financial report
Some main controls in
- Home_action (render home page)
- Create_entry
- Generate_report
- Modify_entry
- Add_category
- Read_report
To prepare for the design presentation next week, I specified the testing process with input, expected output, and expected result. I also updated the schedule based on changes in implementation design and created a product picture showing the hardware components we use.
I am on schedule.
Next Steps
Next week I will start building our web app by setting up the three main pages and work towards a complete money tracking app without audio input first. I will also work on the design report and set up the Raspberry Pi with the team if we can receive the necessary components next week.