Yuxuan’s Status Report for 2/10


The week I did proposal presentation for my team on Monday. In preparation of that, I was responsible for testing, division of labor, and schedule parts of the presentation, and I discussed all other parts with my teammates.

Later this week, I researched and made a list of all hardware components we need to order or borrow from the ECE inventory. I chose Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4GB RAM as our single board computer along with all the accessories compatible with RPi 4. After discussion with team, we decided to order a touch screen with speaker for RPi display and a USB microphone for audio input. I filled out the request forms for all components.

I also looked into the model for classifying product name to categories: our original approach was using random forest, but with further investigation I found that random forest might not be best suitable for the task; instead, we now want to use the word2vec model to group similar or related words together, so that if initially given the classifications of some sample words, the model is able to map new words into correct categories based on the distance between new words and the sample words in the vector space.



I am on schedule.


Next Steps

Next week I will focus on testing out the viability of our selected NLP models on the laptop with my team. We will also design the MVC framework for our webapp as well.

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