Team Status Report 02/24

Team Status Report 02/24

This week our team members have worked on implementing the individual subsystems. As such, more possible risks are being discovered – in the mechanical system, especially in the vertical aiming side, the amount of torque that we initially thought that was enough may not be enough when attached to larger physical parts. More research into the materials that are lightweight, or redesigning the arm to be shorter may slow down our progress. In the vision system, the Pi’s processing power could potentially become a bottleneck at which point we might need something like Jetson Nano or send all the visual data to the cloud. The frontend might need some overhaul if the users find the UI un-intuitive. We will find out if these risks will actually hinder our progress as we work on these subsystems.

We have no major design changes, except a minor tinkering here and there. The radial aiming system will now include a stepper motor driver in between the motor and the Pi, and the UI is going through minor changes (such as color and layouts) to fit everything nicely.

Most of us are still on schedule and have not made any major schedule changes. Alex is ahead on ball/cup detection, but behind on the pressure subsystem as the parts are taking longer than expected to arrive.

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