Time Breakdown:
- Class time (4 hours)
- Ordering Parts (2 hours)
- Design Document (2 hours)
- LIDAR (4 hours)
This week I was in class for 4 hours watching presentations.
This week I ordered a good portion of the parts I need for the pressure subsystem. Additionally, I’ve looked into some alternative parts that we can buy and am considering buying them just to see if they can be used to improve our base design. These include buying a simpler solenoid valve for the firing mechanism and weighing some options on different PVC pipe radii/thicknesses that I can buy.
This week I also worked on writing up some of the back of the napkin math that was used for our design process to include in our design document. This mainly involves the pressures necessary to launch the ping pong ball with sufficient velocity.
Finally, this week I worked on the LIDAR system. First I verified that it can indeed track a ping pong ball at the distance we require (it can). Then I began working on the software to interface with the LIDAR, I was having some trouble on this front, but I will be finalizing the software for this subsystem over the coming week.
This leaves me behind schedule on ordering parts, but ahead of schedule on getting the LIDAR to work.
Next week I plan on working on ball detection with the LIDAR as well as beginning assembly of the pressure subsystem.