Seung Yun’s Status Report for 2/17

Seung Yun’s Status Report for 2/17

This week, I finalized prototyping the vertical and radial aiming system in SolidWorks. Attached are the rendered images of the prototype.

In addition to prototyping, I’ve placed the order for the motors needed for each system. For the radial aiming, we’re using this motor, and for the vertical aiming, we’re using this servo motor. Both motors were selected based on high torque it provides. The radial aiming system is the same as the design that we originally had, but the vertical aiming was completely redesigned after our meeting with Prof. Fedder – the design that uses servo aligns with our design goals or precise angular control more closely, while also achieving it at a much lower cost (the linear actuator with long range was around $100, while this servo motor is only $15).

Moreover, I will be presenting for our team for next week’s design presentation, so I’ve been working on absorbing the design details of the other subsystems of our project, and have been practicing my presentation as well.

I am still on schedule. The goal was to finish prototyping this week and start construction of both systems next week, so once all the parts are delivered, I will start laser cutting individual parts and assembling them to see if they work as intended.

For next week, I plan on constructing at least one of the subsystem’s prototype and see if they work as intended. If it doesn’t I will have to iterate on different design.

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