This week I spent 4 hours collaborating with my team mates in class. Also, I spent 4 hours working on the front end. I kept working on the UI in React, and got it to a place where I feel comfortable focusing on getting the communication between the raspberry pi and the frontend working. During break, I learned what Express.js is and how it works, and I got a basic endpoint to receive posts from the frontend, be it changes in the robot or the fire action. I spent some time learning how Duck DNS works and tried to get a link between the pi and frontend, but after lots of trial and error I couldn’t get the rpi to register the requests. Alex recommended to me and knows to use duck dns , so we are going to trouble it shoot it when we get back from break. As for the gantt chart, we are just getting to front end user testing, so I am a little behind, but I think I can get the front end to a testable point later this week. It’s not a huge issue as we are ahead in other places, and I am looking into DDNS even tough that isn’t until next week. Lastly, I spent a lot of time helping with the design report.