Seung Yun’s Status Report for 4/6/24

Seung Yun’s Status Report for 4/6/24

This week was a strong push for our mid-demo. I finished up writing the backend code on the RPi, so that the robot’s aiming system can be controlled both using the ssh’d terminal, and the frontend. While I was working on it, the RPi we were using suddenly got bricked, so I had to scramble to find another RPi last minute to finish this up before the demo on Wednesday. I suspect that this is due to high current drawn by the motor as when I was working on it on the new pi, the previous motor driver seemed to be damaged. Here is a video of the working demo in which I control both aiming using the frontend.

I am pretty much done with the aiming system and ahead of schedule – we updated our Gantt chart this week to align with our actual progress more closely.

Next week, I aim to tidy up the code so that it doesn’t run on three processes, and make the system more robust by ordering some backup parts. Since I am done with the aiming system, I am shifting my attention to help the shooting system. I am exploring alternative shooting mechanism that involves a more mechanical approach such as a spring. By next week I aim to have the alternative shooting mechanism designed and have the parts ordered, along with the robust aiming system.

Moreover, for the verification, I am planning on setting the aiming system at a certain angle, and measuring the physical angle. For example, I will send a series of angle settings for the vertical system, and use a protractor to verify. For the radial aiming, I will mark the “front” with a paper below the robot, move it a certain degrees, mark the new front, then measure the angle moved using a protractor to verify it matches the angle it was supposed to move.

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