This week I worked on finalizing the LIDAR for ball detection and cup detection. I have finished ball detection and I created a neat visualizer for it (from what I can tell the ball detection and trajectory detection work very well, but I am waiting to test it to make any statements about the accuracy). I am also almost done making the cup detection module, but I am struggling to figure out how to make debugging output for it.
I have assembled the launching mechanism and plan to do some math next week to see if we will need larger tubes to launch the ball. If time permits, I plan on testing it, but I am unsure about how much time I will have as I am trying to finish the CV subsystem as we have our interim presentation next next week.
I also helped Simon debug the raspberry pi’s wifi issue and I looked into how to get it working on CMU wifi (as I had to do this with my laptop). To get it working on CMU wifi I believe we just have to register it as a personal device and add the cmu wifi certificate to it.
Next week I plan on finishing CV, helping to get the system integration going and (if time permits) writing software for the launching subsystem. I am currently behind schedule. I also plan on helping mike setup the DDNS.