This week I worked on the front end and its API for 4 hours. I spent a few hours finishing the design the UI using figma, as well beginning to implement it in react. I designed the API, choosing to JSON to send information between the front end and the RPi. The RPi will be using express, which runs on node js, to be doing light back end work receiving and processing the JSON requests from the user. The front end and the RPi will make a link of connection by using Duck DNS in order to account for IP address changes. The frontend will simply send information about how the cannon should be positioned and if the user fired the ball in a JSON header, and the RPi will respond with the location of the shot and if it made a cup, also in a JSON header. Later in the week I picked up the raspberry pi and configured it. Once it was set up, I spent around an hour setting up the internet on the raspberry pi, as I was running into issues with CMU device. Alex helped me and we were able to connect to the internet, but not websites. We are still working on a solution.
I also worked on the design presentation for 4 hours this week. I mainly focused on the slides API and frontend, but I also helped around with all the slides in the presentation. As for the Gantt chart, none of the frontend aspects are in supposed to be in progress yet, so I am ahead of the schedule. Next week I plan on getting internet connection and set preliminary connection between the RPi and the frontend.