Alex’s Status Report 02/17

Alex’s Status Report 02/17

Time breakdown for this week:

  1. Class (4 hours)
  2. Design (4 hours)
  3. Setup RPI (2 hours)
  4. Tinker with camera (3 hours)

This week I worked in class on the design for 4 hours, I mainly finalized the design for the pressure subsystem. The main ideas all stayed the same (i.e. we have an electronically controlled proportional valve to decrease the pressure, an air pump to increase the pressure, and a release valve to fire the ping pong ball.

Additionally, I was working to see if we could use an Intel Realsense Depth Camera D455 instead of an Intel Realsense LIDAR Camera L515 as the one that 18500 has was being used by group B1. This did not work, but luckily for us group B1 didn’t end up using the L515, so we can use it now. That unfortunately means that what I was working on with the D455 is not useful anymore, but that is good because I didn’t really feel like we could ultimately get anywhere with it given its lighting requirements.

This week Mike and I also worked on setting up the Raspberry Pi, it was harder than I remember, but it wasn’t too bad. Mike and I were having a lot of trouble getting the internet to work properly. We got the RPi to connect to the internet, but for some reason we couldn’t connect to websites.

We plan on ordering some parts this coming week so I can work on the pressure subsystem. This week I also plan on using the L515 when I receive it and I hope to get some progress on that.

As of right now we are ahead of schedule as I have already tinkered with a camera and stereo range detector to see how well they work for our use case.

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