Myles’s Status Report for 3/30

Personal Accomplishments:

  • Lab Meetings (4 hrs ):
    • Met with Professor and TA to discuss expectations for interim demo
    • Discussed with teammates delegation of work with interim demo
  • Indiviudual Work (8 hrs):
    • Created a working demo for h-bridge circuitry
    • Did a run thru of the interim demo with teammates


This week my main accomplishment was setting up a demo for the h-bridge component. The goal of my demonstration is to show that we can programmatically control the polarity of the current going through our coils using a microcontroller. The way I will demonstrate by alternating the spinning direction of a miniature propeller that I have. The alternate spinning is meant to show the different directions we can make the current go, with the help of the h-bridge. Going into next week I hope to make progress with our Bluetooth components to enable communication between our subsystems. Mainly Bluetooth communication will allow the carrier to send its magnetometer signals to the track to activate the coils and allow current to pass through the coils. I will be passing off the work of the coil design and time aspect of the activation of the speed coils to Emmanuel and will about the programming aspects when it comes to the microcontroller.

Next Week Deliverables:

  1. Simple Bluetooth demonstration communication between the Arduino Nano and Arduino UNO

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