Myles’s Status Report for 4/27

Personal Accomplishments:

  • Lab Meetings (4 hrs ):
    • Watched final team presentations.
    • Provided team feedback
  • Indiviudual Work (8 hrs):
    • Met with team to integrate subsystems for final demo


This week I worked on integrating our subsystems with the work I have been doing with the Bluetooth modules. We can programmatically send signals from the hall effect on the carrier to the track to ignite the coil to propel our carrier. The goal for the next week is to integrate this with our track and carrier which we are going to print. I believe that we are going to have stops along our track with alternating polarity. Based on the polarity the hall effect reads will determine which coil will get the signal to propel the carrier. We are on track for the demo on Friday and just need to finish up the details.

Next Week Deliverable:

Finish up final demo logistics

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