Personal Accomplishments:

  • Lab Meetings (4 hrs ):
    •  Interim demo
    •  Worked with teammates to discuss work distribution for the Final Demo
  • Indiviudual Work (8 hrs):
    • Created a simple circuit to demonstrate the h-bridge component during the interim demo
    • Completed Bluetooth communication between 2 Arduino Unos


For the interim demo, I set up a circuit with our bridge and a mini-propeller to show that we can programmatically control which way the current will flow through or coil. Additionally this week I worked on the Bluetooth communication between 2 Arduino uno modules. Currently, I have a circuit that sends messages from a sender module to a receiver, which lights up an LED on signal reception. Eventually, once we figure out at which point we want to send the signal to power our coils we will have our microcontroller module communicate this way. The main work in the coming weeks is making sure we are sending the signals fast enough, which should not be a problem considering Arduinos are reasonably responsive. Another concern is making sure we are sending the signal for a long enough time to give the coil enough time to pick up the current needed to propel our carrier forward. This will be figured out with trial and error.

Next Week Deliverable:

Incorporate user input with Bluetooth signally to allow remote control to power coil

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