Elijah Knupp’s status report for Feb 17th

Personal accomplishments

  • Contributed towards creating a bill of materials
  • Finalized the materials needed for the gantry. As mentioned in this week’s team report, our team is approaching our machine with this mindset: “If a reliable solution currently exists, why try to reinvent it?”. So, for the gantry, decided on repurposing a 3D printer. To communicate with our Rasperry Pi, determined that OctoPrint, an open source 3D printer controller, would be best.

Next Week’s Deliverables

  • Will begin ordering many of the required materials on the BOM
  • Will begin reading and creating notes on the 3D printers user manual to understand how to best integrate it into our coffee machine (including how OctoPrint can/will interact with it).

Status Report: On schedule


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