• What did you personally accomplish this week on the project?
This week, I helped Samay in implementing my braille translation code to the motor code to enable a successful integration between software and the hardware. To effectively map out the motors to the translation output encoding, I designed my code to output a txt file in binary format which could be easily read by Samay’s Arduino code and explained what each bit signifies within the encoding:
4 bits per motor:
1st bit: bottom motor
2nd bit: middle motor
3rd bit: top motor
4th bit: end of word marker
• Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
In terms of the software part, the project is on schedule, yet there is a potential for the hardware to miss the demo deadline due to the fact that the 3D printing output requires extreme precision to carry out the motions required by the sliders and actuator pins. To prevent any delays, I plan to communicate with Ziyu to provide assistance towards testing the casing for the braille actuators.
• What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
Next week we are planning to purchase a mini speaker to attach to our microcontroller and I’m planning to implement the code for the speaker so that it can successfully read out the braille translation outputs to the user. Furthermore, I am planning to research on wifi file transmission libraries for the microcontroller since our microcontroller is compatible with wifi.