A significant amount of time was spent on developing our team’s Design Review document, including the accompanying research and design decisions for the content of the paper. Specifically, I refined our design requirements significantly based on the feedback received from prior coursework. I made sure to make a clear distinction between engineering design and use case requirements, which was not as clear from our previous work. I integrated the TA feedback on battery life requirements, as there was concern about the device lasting a school day while we were aiming for only 1 hour of life. This was altered and new calculations were made for the battery capacity required to achieve 6 hours of use by the intended users (students). Further, the research for our trade study and bill of materials sections made for much better clarity on the specific parts and materials needed. Preparing the detailed bill of materials allowed our team to advance our progress from the design stage towards implementation. My progress was behind due to issues with the design review document, however I will mend this before the new week. I also plan to help order parts to begin my portion of the hardware implementation and testing, according to the schedule.