Completed Tasks
- Worked with team in completion of pose correction component and testing pose estimation
- Tested pose correction system with user testing, started to set up work to test the pose correction with labeled ground truth based on feedback from professor advisor meeting
- Ordered parts for the hardware and tested different alternatives (i.e. acrylic vs film mirror sheet)
- Still largely on track with original schedule outlined in Gantt chart using slack week before spring break for finishing hardware setup
- On track with software tasks
Next Tasks
- Complete hardware construction of mirror and addition of camera for live user feed
- More rigorous, objective testing of pose correction system via ground-truth comparison
- Work on rendering of pose corrections
Tools to Learn
- Need to revise and expand knowledge of tkinter and possibly other libraries to enable the rendering of pose corrections in a visually nice, dynamic, and insightful manner
- May need to learn techniques for wood-working to assemble the mirror frame itself