Progress Update:
- Met with yoga instructor
- Collected yoga reference images for fixed set of poses from 2 different angles (side and frontal view) to ensure all critical elements of pose are captured to be used downstream in the pose correction component
- Interviewed them to gain better understanding of appropriate error signals to look for as guides for corrective suggestions and also know if the metrics we plan to use in PosePal are comprehensive enough/will result in an effective yoga-learning tool
- Helped with pose correction library implementation
- Researched more/collected information about the algorithms and metrics we would use to represent poses/detect errors
- Tested functionality of implemented library to validate results of computed angles on set of examples
Still need to actually order hardware, but given the fact that the hardware we need to buy isn’t particularly niche/hard to acquire and that we are on track with the other tasks/don’t have pressing work that requires hardware within the next couple weeks, we should be able to get the hardware this week and still be on track with our planned schedule.
Relevant Courses Taken:
- Intro to Machine
- Into to Deep Learning
- Concepts in AI
- Pattern Recognition Theory
- Advanced algorithm course (15-210, 15-451, etc.)
- Physics
- Experience working with CV/rendering from computer vision swe internships
Next Week:
- My goals next week are to finish the pose correction component and map errors internally to corrective suggestions
- We also need to have the hardware ordered by the end of the week