Tag: status report

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 4/29

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 4/29

Last week I worked on the speedometer as the transition wasn’t smooth. For this, my existing knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JS wasn’t enough and as I mentioned in my previous status reports, I have had to learn how to use D3 JS more extensively. 

Team Status Report For 04/29/2023

Team Status Report For 04/29/2023

The significant risk that could jeopardize the success of the project right now is that we haven’t integrated our system yet and each team member is still working on perfecting our individual parts. To manage this risk, we will be dedicating the majority of the 

Chi Nguyen’s Status Report For 04/29/2023

Chi Nguyen’s Status Report For 04/29/2023

This week, I’ve been working on minimizing the margin of error that the algorithm produces. The reason for the margin of error that we saw from our results was because the checkout “region” was not clearly defined which made the recorded wait time for each person to be off by a few seconds. I’ve also been working on the linear regression model that can help estimate the best average wait time based on the data that we’ve seen. I’m currently still working on finishing the code to make sure that it will output the best result of the test case that we’ve seen in the presentation and hopefully I will be able to achieve my goal soon and will upload my results on here tomorrow because our group is meeting on Sunday to work together for the whole day. I’ve also been looking for a way to optimize the performance of the algorithm on the Jetson Nano because it’s running very slow and we need to achieve our goal before our final report.

My progress is a little bit behind so I’ll dedicate the majority of this last week to catch up and make sure our final product satisfies the use case requirements.

By the end of next week, I should be able to achieve the final product.

You could find my code and results here.

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 04/22

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 04/22

This week, I made changes to the AJAX implementation when I realized during testing that it had some bugs. I also used the knowledge about SQLite queries in Django that I learned in past weeks to test whether the implementation works as it should. It 

Chi Nguyen’s Status Report for 04/22

Chi Nguyen’s Status Report for 04/22

I made a lot of progress this week after a few weeks of being confused about how to get to the solution efficiently and putting things together. A major part of the wait time algorithm is how to calculate the average wait time each person 

Team Status Report for 4/22

Team Status Report for 4/22

The most significant risk that could jeopardize the success of the project currently are the accuracy of our wait time algorithm and how to transfer the data from our Jetson to our database SQLite. Now that Nii has almost finished his duties, he will be shifting over to help Chi optimize the algorithm to hopefully make the algorithm produce better results. Another risk to consider is whether or now we will be able to get the Jetson to transfer the data.We have already integrated the hardware and the backend software side so the very last step is to integrate it with the frontend side which communicate by transferring data through JSON. Since we have the Jetson hooked up to WiFi already, we will all be working together tomorrow to have this issue resolved very soon.

No changes were made to the existing design.

You may find our current schedule here.

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report 04/08

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report 04/08

This week, I worked on updating the UI and am reworking the AJAX portion of the web app. I made slight changes to the design of the barometer on the Javascript end so that it should render differently when functioning i.e. the colors fill up 

Chi Nguyen’s Status Report for 04/08/2023

Chi Nguyen’s Status Report for 04/08/2023

After the interim demo last Monday, I have been working on the final part of the project which is to integrate the system and do more testing, making sure that the code can count the number of people correctly at any given time and output 

Team Status Report for 04/08/2023

Team Status Report for 04/08/2023

We believe that the current most significant risk that could jeopardize the success of the project is that we are still working on integrating the hardware and software parts which means performance and accuracy are still our main concerns because we aren’t sure what the current results are if we run the algorithm on the Jetson Nano. However, given how much progress we were able to make, we believe that our work is achievable within this upcoming week. We are managing these risks by putting more hours of work into our team meetings to make sure we’ll speed up our progress and meet our goals quickly to leave room for any risk mitigation. Currently, the contingency plan is that we use a mp4 video to work on the software side while waiting for the other team member to figure out the hardware side. Once that is resolved, the next step is to ensure the software side works well with the Jetson Nano and the live video footage captured by the camera.

To answer the week-specific question, we are planning to set up the camera in the lab and test the whole system with live video footages captured in the lab since the environment in the lab is similar to the environment where we’ll showcase our final demo. Our output result is very straightfoward, which is simply wait time at any given point. We’ll compare them directly against the actual result we record using a timer on our phone to calculate the margin of error to evaluate the accuracy. In order to evaluate the performance, we can simply set up timer directly within the code and have it automatically calculated for us how fast the algorithm runs.

There were no changes to the existing design of the system and hence no additional costs were incurred.

Here’s our current schedule.


Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 04/1

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 04/1

This week, I continued to tweak the CSS of the web app and attempted to test the AJAX functioning. I simplified some of the more dynamic UI elements and made them static – instead of a carousel of cards to choose dining halls, there will