Author: lchintar

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 4/29

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 4/29

Last week I worked on the speedometer as the transition wasn’t smooth. For this, my existing knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JS wasn’t enough and as I mentioned in my previous status reports, I have had to learn how to use D3 JS more extensively. 

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 04/22

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 04/22

This week, I made changes to the AJAX implementation when I realized during testing that it had some bugs. I also used the knowledge about SQLite queries in Django that I learned in past weeks to test whether the implementation works as it should. It 

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report 04/08

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report 04/08

This week, I worked on updating the UI and am reworking the AJAX portion of the web app. I made slight changes to the design of the barometer on the Javascript end so that it should render differently when functioning i.e. the colors fill up rather than the needle moving. In other words, it isn’t a barometric “needle” anymore but just a barometric representation. The rewritten AJAX portion is to reflect the change in the database representation. I’ve been learning more about SQL queries as it’s not a part I’m comfortable with. The upcoming week, we will integrate the systems and I will finish writing and testing the AJAX portion of the webapp.

For testing purposes, our main criteria wrt to the web app is that the application update information every 2 seconds and ease of user experience. I’m exploring the platform Pingdom for verifying web app update time – it has a 30 day free trial so it’s cost effective too. If it ends up not suiting our needs, we will pursue manual testing instead where I compare screenshots before and after every update according to the console on the browser. As for the ease of user experience, I will conduct in-person usability tests choosing some students as users and observing users as they perform tasks on the web app, and also cognitive walkthroughs where users recite their thoughtprocess out loud as they use the web app

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 04/1

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 04/1

This week, I continued to tweak the CSS of the web app and attempted to test the AJAX functioning. I simplified some of the more dynamic UI elements and made them static – instead of a carousel of cards to choose dining halls, there will 

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 3/25

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 3/25

Over the past week, I updated the UI and the AJAX required to update live wait time information: I’m working on refining the CSS design at the moment to make the webpage appear cleaner, and debugging the code for the main menu page where users choose 

Team Status Report for 3/25

Team Status Report for 3/25

The most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of the project is that we have trouble setting up the hardware side which leads to us having trouble integrating the whole system together. We are concerned about this because it’s difficult to estimate the current performance of our program as we haven’t had the chance to test our program on the Jetson Nano. Our risk mitigation plan is to run and test our software side on a virtual environment such as Google Colab that provides support for hardware accelerator GPU and to optimize it on this architecture. Even though we have been testing our CV algorithm on a virtual environment that is somewhat similar to Jetson Nano, we are unsure about the final performance as they might have different architecture that will optimize the speed of computation differently. The same applies for the web application as currently, it uses dummy data for displaying information but we need the system to be integrated to actually test whether it works as necessary. As discussed in our previous meeting, this is our main concern and we need to resolve this as soon as possible before interim demo. Our team members have been working together to resolve this issue with the hardware side so that we can improve our progress.
There were no changes to the existing design of the system. The design was very well thought out and it’s unlikely that we will change it at any point in the near future. The budget for the project remains the same as before.

Our goal for this upcoming week is to integrate our system and have everything ready for the interim demo. We’ll actively test our system against datasets collected in a lab setting and monitor any rising issue.

We are behind on our schedule due to these issues and have therefore updated our schedule to reflect these changes and our current plan here.

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 03/18/2023

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 03/18/2023

This week, I continued implementing the UI while simultaneously working on AJAX with some dummy hardcoded data. The login page and registration page have been implemented without OAuth and only using Django’s authentication package for now – I’m a little unfamiliar with implementing OAuth so 

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 03/11/2023

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 03/11/2023

In the earlier week, I went through the results of the user studies conducted with various design ideas and came across an interesting paper [linked HERE] that led to a massive redesign of our initial idea. This resulted in our idea going from a simple 

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 02/25/2023

Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 02/25/2023

This week, I set up the Django project and the Github repo for version control: While we had initially thought of using MongoDB Atlas to store video data, we have come up with a simpler solution on the backend side that involves storing the boundary boxes without having to store any video data in an attempt to take privacy issues into considerations. So we will instead be using SQLite for our application, which is the database I’m most comfortable with anyway due to previous experience in 17-437 where we developed two different applications with SQLite as the database, and also the prototype app I built for my research project in HCI.

This also means a change in my initial plans for the UI, which involved using the live video data to visually represent wait time. However, as we will not be storing live video feed anymore, considering that we will be using a simpler database like SQLite, it makes more sense to graphically represent the wait time. Our Figma prototype is being updated to represent that: These changes do not cost me anything except that I’m still thinking about how to best represent the wait time visually, and this is an iterative process so several revisions will be made to the design as we test it out, but the other pages like the login and landing pages have been designed, and I am currently working on the HTML and CSS code for these pages, which keeps on schedule at the moment.

In the next week, I hope to have the login and landing pages UI and implementation completed and demonstrable locally, along with any other pages I might add along the way.

Team Status Report for 02/25/2023

Team Status Report for 02/25/2023

The camera we decided on previously – the Sainsmart IMX219 – is not a USB camera as we had indicated previously, as has been pointed out in the feedback. However, as it is compatible with the Jetson Nano board in which our image processing algorithm