Chi Nguyen’s Status Report For 04/29/2023
This week, I’ve been working on minimizing the margin of error that the algorithm produces. The reason for the margin of error that we saw from our results was because the checkout “region” was not clearly defined which made the recorded wait time for each person to be off by a few seconds. I’ve also been working on the linear regression model that can help estimate the best average wait time based on the data that we’ve seen. I’m currently still working on finishing the code to make sure that it will output the best result of the test case that we’ve seen in the presentation and hopefully I will be able to achieve my goal soon and will upload my results on here tomorrow because our group is meeting on Sunday to work together for the whole day. I’ve also been looking for a way to optimize the performance of the algorithm on the Jetson Nano because it’s running very slow and we need to achieve our goal before our final report.
My progress is a little bit behind so I’ll dedicate the majority of this last week to catch up and make sure our final product satisfies the use case requirements.
By the end of next week, I should be able to achieve the final product.
You could find my code and results here.