Team Status Report for 3/25

The most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of the project is that we have trouble setting up the hardware side which leads to us having trouble integrating the whole system together. We are concerned about this because it’s difficult to estimate the current performance of our program as we haven’t had the chance to test our program on the Jetson Nano. Our risk mitigation plan is to run and test our software side on a virtual environment such as Google Colab that provides support for hardware accelerator GPU and to optimize it on this architecture. Even though we have been testing our CV algorithm on a virtual environment that is somewhat similar to Jetson Nano, we are unsure about the final performance as they might have different architecture that will optimize the speed of computation differently. The same applies for the web application as currently, it uses dummy data for displaying information but we need the system to be integrated to actually test whether it works as necessary. As discussed in our previous meeting, this is our main concern and we need to resolve this as soon as possible before interim demo. Our team members have been working together to resolve this issue with the hardware side so that we can improve our progress.
There were no changes to the existing design of the system. The design was very well thought out and it’s unlikely that we will change it at any point in the near future. The budget for the project remains the same as before.

Our goal for this upcoming week is to integrate our system and have everything ready for the interim demo. We’ll actively test our system against datasets collected in a lab setting and monitor any rising issue.

We are behind on our schedule due to these issues and have therefore updated our schedule to reflect these changes and our current plan here.

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