Chi Nguyen’s status report for 03/18/2023

I’ve finished fixing the errors on the CV side and fine-tuning it so the code should be ready to run on the Jetson Nano. Testing the code is not a one-time task and it’s something that I will keep doing every week. As we’ve finally received our parts by the end of the week, I can’t wait to test the code on the Jetson Nano to see if there’s any error and to see its performance, which is our main concern as of now. The YOLOv7 algorithm and the Jetson Nano have the potentials to meet our target performance so we’ll have to keep monitoring and coming up with solutions to take full advantage of their features in order to maximize the performance of our solution. A small portion of the past week was also spent on doing the ethics assignment and preparing for the ethics discussion next week.

My progress is behind as I should have finished testing the CV algorithm on the Jetson Nano by now. However, due to the fact that our parts didn’t arrive until the end of the past week, there was nothing I could do other than running it on a simulator such as Google Colab. The interim demo is in 2 weeks so I’ll have to put in a lot more extra hours to make sure everything is ready by then. My goal next week is to run the CV algorithm on the Jetson Nano using a variety of data sets obtained in a similar environment as our interim demo.

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