We slightly pivoted this week with our project now encompassing a smaller scope due to budget constraints. The robot will now be using exclusively LIDAR. I am reading more into the NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX series data sheet: (https://developer.download.nvidia.com/assets/embedded/secure/jetson/Xavier%20NX/Jetson-Xavier-NX-Series-Data-Sheet_DS10184001v1.8.pdf?RwvrEpSebwaOytLQ66MD9K5ghU9ONWDM977MctsH8irfeqa5z2t5m_6PhbChnOWBGtMBuG0euTPVDpZT9sysELocAQnBVkATGDmTIvpHpM_GXdvoy6w6C5ga3aQCXmlp6pIBdy6kOV56YAQ1NOMsoPrgw5q2ym4TqjyBdhpiEaCKl5SGN3RmhAqzB81a0OphuGlYipjtTcvkamrSTO8&t=eyJscyI6ImdzZW8iLCJsc2QiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvd3d3Lmdvb2dsZS5jb21cLyJ9).
The serial interfaces for this SoC include UART and I2C so we have multiple options to explore. For I2C, I explored libraries to help us define generic interfaces. One promising one is https://luma-core.readthedocs.io/en/latest/interface.html which lets you define a ready to go I2C object and handles all the setup for you. We are still waiting on some parts that have not yet arrived since we pivoted (SD card converter + rechargable battery + LIDAR sensor). I would say we are behind schedule right now but once the above components arrives, we can finally begin working with the Jetson and Roomba. To catch back up to schedule, I am focusing more on the software and trying to gain a better understanding of the Jetson to make setup easier and more efficient.