This week I mostly focused on finishing the design review report. I was responsible for writing the abstract, introduction, index words, summary, and project management. I was also expected to contribute to the design requirements, the design trade studies, the system implementation and the test and verification sections in the areas in which I know best about. The reason why I carried a bit more of the writing load is because I did a bit less work on the project than the others this week. I also read over everyone else’s portion and did the bibliography. In addition to that I have been working on the assembler but haven’t made too much progress. I also tweaked the assembler it now works for our purposes as far as I can tell (will be able to test more once I have the RTL finished). Thus I am caught up for this week as I finished the design report and have the testing infrastructure reasonably complete (at least before we finish the RTL). Next week I will be working on the RTL (sub-modules and hopefully if I can get ahead because it is break I can start putting them together).