This week I helped with the assembly of the glove and established a serial connection between the Jetson and the Due. For the assembly I worked with Tomas to design the CAD models for our 3d-printed ArUco markers. For the serial connection integration I had to do a lot of research to determine exactly how interfacing with UART on the Jetson works. I began staging serial code using PySerial on the Jeston, and decided to use Minicom to test the hardware serial connection. I set up a basic serial circuit without using RS-485 and was able to get a serial connection up and running between the Due and the Jetson. However, I am still having issues getting the RS-485 hardware to work, and it still needs some debugging.
I have made up quite a bit of the time I needed to to get back on track. I would’ve liked to have the RS-485 for the Jetson running by now, but I’m hoping that since the issue appears to be hardware related that I will be able to identify it soon. I also have been making software preparations for the Micro <-> Due bus, so I expect that this will save me some time getting that set up.
This week I intend to get the Micro <-> Due pipeline working in time for the interim demo, as well as a baseline Max example. I also intend to completely finish the Jetson <-> Due bus, and hopefully make significant progress on setting up the final software protocol.