Unfortunately, Jasper was out this week due to covid, but with his input the integration between the UI and the Computer Vision, as well as the integration between the Computer Vision and the Cooking Timer, is complete. The progress we hope to make was delayed several days for integration because the Xaiver broke halfway into the week, requiring several days and a reflash to fix. As a result of that, some progress was lost, but that loss in progress has been reversed with more work.
Furthermore, testing has begun for my computer vision modules for the final presentation. Most of the metrics seem to be fine, however the edge detection might be a bit off in terms of its predictions, probably due to camera quality factors that are hard to resolve. This is unfortunately one tradeoff that cannot be avoided since OpenCV has a max resolution, and any increases in resolution for the image severly impacts negatively everything else in the cv pipeline. Solution is to increase brightness even more, since there is only so much an edge detection algorithm can do when noise is present.