For this week, we were each able to work on our individual tasks and then combine some subsystems to have it ready for our Interim demo.
Spandan worked on the menu screen and is almost finished with it. She also layered the Masonite plates with evafoam and worked with Tushhar to integrate a FSR to one of the plates. The Z-shape now has their corners cut off to let the FSR fold properly. The Z-shape also sandwiches the FSRs and is still responsive to footsteps. The plate is nice and firm to step on as well. This will be further demonstrated in the Interim demo.
On the other hand, Caio and Tushhar worked together to test and connect the plate to the game. The Arduino file was tested and modified to work properly with the game. One of the important issues we took care of was the button held down being read as several inputs together. This often messed up with the combo as even brief steps would register as multiple hits of the arrow button. This has been accounted for now. However, it may change if we consider adding holding down arrows as one of the game features.
According to our schedule, we will likely need at least 1 more week in the buffer period to construct the mat and make the pause screen + high score input screen. Caio and Spandan will also work on integrating their menu screen and game screen together.