For this week, I primarily worked on three things, namely, ordering parts for construction of the game mat, understanding the ethical weights of our game, and lastly construction of the menu screen.
For the parts of the mat, I referred to our bill of materials and succeeded in ordering of most of the parts for our mat based on the two different orientations we are currently imagining our mat to use:
For understanding the ethical responsibilities of our game and how it fits into solving a social problem, I utilized my human-computer interaction background and tried to empathize with the users of our game. I tried to understand the pros of using our game (fitness, mental and physical well-being) and where our game fell short (it is not suitable for people in wheelchairs for example).
Lastly, for the construction of the menu screen, I watched quite a few YouTube videos and referred to the actual Pygame documentation to understand how animations work in Pygame. We need animations to enable the scrolling effect for our users. Currently, my idea looks like this:
- Have separate objects for album covers, texts, and rectangle containing this information
- Have another class containing these three separate objects
- construct a resize option that is dependent on “up” or “down” key press
- Use this resize option to resize album cover, song and artist names, and rectangle containing this information to give the user the effect of scrolling
I still have to implement this and am currently in the stage of coding the above solution. For now, I am right on path and will hopefully complete this on time.