Spandan’s Status Report for 2/26

For this week, I met with my teammates to work on the design report. We have distributed the work equally and I will be able to complete my part by this coming week’s deadline.

Another task that I hoped to accomplish was starting the software development of the game’s menu screen. To ensure that the code structure was organized similar throughout, I met with Caio during the week and came up with ideas such as the types of files, classes, objects, and methods we would use to keep our code clean and easily understandable by one another. Currently, I have three main files:,, and

It was definitely a learning curve but I have been able to create an initial layout of the menu screen using Pygame as shown below:


I am mostly on track with my schedule. The only thing I am falling behind in is the research for creating our own arrows for a song of our choice but I am hoping to research it tomorrow so that I am ready before the class on Monday.

In the coming week, I will be done with the design report and hope to implement the animations of selecting the music.

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