Tushhar’s Status Report for 02/19

This week, most of my time and focus was spent on two tasks. The first task was the Design Review presentation. We worked on a document together to write down everything we needed for this design review including notes from the peer reviews and the helpful meeting with the professor and TA. A lot of individual time was spent by each of us filling out this document. We designed our presentation based off this document. I particularly took the responsibility of the slides related to the use case, use case requirements and implementation plan. I will also be the one presenting this following week. Therefore, I have already started preparing notes for what I will talk about during the presentation. I will rehearse it a couple of times alone and in front of my group mates to get feedback tomorrow (Sunday).

The next task that I worked upon was researching how circuits with the force-sensitive resistors and Arduino worked. I particularly found this website which gave clear instructions about what connections to make-


I have already put some time into thinking about how I can modify the above circuit to fit our needs with the DDR mat, including adding a variable resistor to adjust the threshold. Unfortunately, the sensor that we ordered did not arrive yet so I was unable to test them. However, it should be here next week, and I will be able to test it with the modified plan.

If there are still issues with the sensor not being available next week, I plan to research more into how the Arduino would communicate with python and relay the necessary data.

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