Currently, we are working on the integration of the entire project as a team and refining each part/subsystem separately. The most significant risk that could jeopardize the success of the project is the migration of code from PC to the Jetson nano board. Also, since we are working separately and cannot meet for the integrating work, we need some methods to connect things together.
In the past weeks, we experienced problems with importing some Machine Learning libraries on Jetson Nano, and after communications with other teams and research on the internet, we decided to switch to Google Speech API. In addition, we are trying to control the Jetson Nano through SSH remotely so that we can work on the same piece. We also used Github to control the workflow and keep track of the progress. Therefore, we are able to manage these risks through these ways.
In general, there are no changes to the design of the system, except that we mentioned above about the probable change of Speech API. The usage of speech API and user interface will not be modified due to this change.
Our team is going according to the plan.