Our hardware arrived this week. I tested that all the peripherals (camera, microphone, speaker) work as expected with the library we want to use. We have not received the power supply we checked out, so we cannot test Jetson Nano. I will follow up on that. The acrylic board and peripheral holder is the same dimension as we expected. With the acrylic board, I have started designing the LED grid. I decided to make them serial while being individually addressable. This will require more logic in our light-up-LED algorithm, but less hardware connection. This implementation only requires 1 GPIO pin. I plan on finishing it and testing it next week. I am on schedule for the project. (Picture: layout of LED strip, will securely it on acrylic board later)
I also worked on design review this week. I prepared the presentation slide and practiced for the presentation. We also started working on the design review report.