Team Status Report for 02/27/2021

This week our team worked on the bill of materials. We will make the decision by this weekend in order to get the items placed next Tuesday. From the available items list, we noticed that there are RPi and NVIDIA Jetson, so we have to decide if we want to borrow the equipment instead of buying a new one. The schedule is a little bit behind because we haven’t made the decision, but we will have more discussion during the weekend.

On the other hand, after receiving feedback from other teams and answering questions in class, we noticed that our estimation of latency might not be accurate and very difficult to meet. The risk will be managed by investigating the pipeline and better measurement of the approximate time each step will take next week. We will refine our latency expectation and accuracy expectation for the coming presentation with the support of related works and materials. The time and effort that we need to put into these researches might affect our existing schedule, but we allotted time in our plan beforehand, so we will still be able to finish the work on time.


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