This week, I initially focused on restructuring the code in our project. For our front-end, all the packages we had installed were installed manually by downloading and moving Javascript files for that library into our project folder. We knew this wasn’t scalable if we wanted to install more packages. So I set up NPM within our project so that packages could be installed with a package.json file and a command-line instruction. In this way, we wouldn’t have to manage versions for packages and could instantly get this project set up easily on any new computer. From this initial setup, I was able to install Socket.IO and Tone.js, the package we decided to use for sending MIDI instructions.
Additionally, I also experimented with buttons and sending specific inputs from the React Native phone application to the computer. I also looked into how to give user feedback from pressing specific buttons. Currently, there are several packages that give me the ability to send a vibrate command to the phone with a function.
Besides this, I spent the rest of my time preparing for the presentation and making slides. Specifically, making the block diagram for the project gave us all a better understanding of how each component would work and the functionality of our system.