Team Status Report for 11/09/2024

Currently the biggest risk is to the overall system integration. Shannon has the WebApp functional, and Jeffrey has been working on unit testing individual parts of code such as RPS/DSI display. We will have to work on ensuring that the overall process is smooth, starting from ensuring the inputs from GPIO pins on the robot can be processed by RPi and then that the relevant information is sent to the Web App accordingly through WebSockets (so we can record information such as rock paper scissors game win/loss/tie results) and then that the WebApp displays the correct information based on what it received through WebSockets.

We will also need to perform some latency testing to ensure that this process is happening with little delay. (e.g. pausing from the robot is reflected promptly on the WebApp – WebApp page should switch from Study Session in progress to Study Session on break page almost instantly). 

Due to the display screen to RPi ribbon connector’s length and fragility, we have decided to limit the neck rotation to a range of 180 degrees. In addition, translational motion is also limited because of this. Therefore, by the interim demo, we only intend to have the rotational motion, and depending on the flexibility of the ribbon connector, we will limit or get rid of the translational motion. 

Interim demo goals:


  1. I will have a working audio localization with or close to the 5 degree margin of error in simulation. 
  2. I plan to have the correct audio input signals in each microphone, and integrate this input with the audio processing pipeline in the RPi.
  3. I will integrate the servo motor with the neck motion, and make sure the robot’s neck motion is working as desired.
  4. I will work with Shannon to ensure TTS functionality through gTTS and will do testing on pyttsx3 directly from RPi. 


I aim to have the Study Session feature fully fleshed out for a standard Study Session, such that a user can 

  1. Start a Study Session on the WebApp (WebApp sends information to robot which starts timer)
  2. Pause it on the robot (and it reflects on the WebApp)
  3. When goal duration has been reached, the robot alerts WebApp and WebApp displays appropriate confirmation alert 
  4. User can choose to end the Study Session or continue on the WebApp (WebApp should send appropriate information to RPi) 
    1. RPi upon receiving information should either continue timer (Study Session continue) or display happy face (revert to default display)*
  5. At any point during the Study Session, user should also be able to end the Study Session (WebApp should send information to RPi)
    1. RPi upon receiving information should stop timer and then display happy face (revert to default display)*

* – indicates parts that Jeffrey is in charge of but I will help with

I also plan to have either the pyttsx3 library working properly such that the text-to-speech feature works on the WebApp, or have the gTTS feature working with minimal (<5s) processing time by pre-processing the user input into chunks and then generating mp3 files for each chunk in parallel while playing them sequentially.

For the RPS Game feature, I aim to ensure that the RPi can receive starting game details from the WebApp and that the WebApp can receive end game statistics to display appropriately.


The timer code is able to tick up properly, but I have to ensure that pausing the timer (user can pause timer using keypad) is synced with WebApp. Furthermore, the time that the user inputs is stored in the Web App in a dictionary. I currently have code that is able to extract the study time from the duration (key in dictionary), and passes that into the study timer function, so the robot can display the time counting up on the DSI display. One mitigation is that we have the pause functionality on the DSI display itself, as opposed to GPIO input -> RPi5 -> WebApp. By using the touchscreen, we decrease reliance on hardware and makes it easier to debug via Tkinter and software.


RPS code logic is functional, but needs to be able to follow the flow chart from design report to go from confirm “user is about to play a game” screen -> display rock/paper/scissors (using Tkinter) -> display Win/Loss/Tie screen, or reset if no input confirmed. Our goal is to use the keypad (up/down/left/right arrows) connected to RPi5 to take in user input, and output the result accordingly. One mitigation goal is that we can utilize the touchscreen display of the DSI display, to directly take in user input on the screen to send to the WebApp. 

Integration goals: 

  1. The TTS will be integrated with the speaker system. Mahlet and Shannon are working on the TTS and Jeffrey will be working on outputting the TTS audio through the speaker. 
  2. For the Web App, Jeffrey needs to be able to take in user input from the Web App (stored as json), parse it, and send inputs to functions such as timer counting up, or the reverse, where a user action is sent to the WebApp i.e. user chose rock, and won that round of RPS. 


There have not been any changes to our schedule.