Jeffrey’s Status Report For 10/05/2024

For this week, I am currently on track with the Gantt Schedule. I will start prioritizing looking into coding certain functionalities, such as the speaker output from the robot that we plan to utilize via TTS and the motor servos that control horizontal/vertical movement and up/down translation. I also placed an additional order for microphones, but since the ECE inventory might be out, we will look for another alternative on the market.

Mahlet and I have a task on our Gantt Chart for having the robot base complete by this week. We are behind schedule on this task, but plan to make time after our midterms to meet at Techspark. There, we will focus on building the acrylic base, ensuring that the body compartment has space to store the speaker and other features such as the RPi 5, and this will segue into our next task, which is ensuring that the servo motors mounted on the robot body (connected to the DCI display) is able to function properly. 

To prepare for those tasks, next week, I will focus on creating logic to connect the speakers, as well as for the motor servos. The past week, I was doing research into the right kind of speaker that would fit within the body compartment but also be volume-controlled, so the user can alter the settings as they see necessary. Over the course of this week, I will look into specific speakers that our team can acquire since the ECE inventory didn’t have the types we were looking for. Furthermore, for the servo motors, we will order them this week, so next weekend, once we have the base complete, we can add the motor servos to the build and work on integrating them into the robot body. 

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